I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets [read more]
Let’s dispense with the notion that jihad is interpreted in many different ways by many different Islamicists, and can mean many different things, such as an internal striving for something. In order to understand Islam, one must understand abrogation. I am turning to John Guandolo.
One of the facets of sharia (Islamic Law) that turns the light bulb on in people’s minds more than anything else seems to be the moment they grasp the Koranic concept of abrogation and progressive revelation.
Islam teaches that Allah (the god of Islam) revealed Islam to mankind throughout history progressively. Allah revealed the Law to Moses which predicted the coming of Mohammad. Those who did not accept the Law of Moses were lost. When Allah revealed the Evangel to Jesus, which also foretold of the coming of Mohammad, it abrogated the Law of Moses, and those who did not accept it were lost (hellbound). When the final seal of the prophets – Mohammad – came and revealed the Koran to all of mankind, it abrogated all that came before it, and those who did not accept it were lost.
According to Islam, the original Law of Moses and revelations given to Jesus were corrupted by the Jews and Christian Priests and, therefore, do not exist on the planet today in their “original” form. In other words, Islam teaches that all Bibles in the world today are corrupt because the fore-tellings of Mohammad were all intentionally removed.
According to Islam, the message of the Koran was revealed to Mohammad via an angel over a period of approximately 23 years – progressively over time.
The Koran is organized into 114 chapters called “Suras.” These suras are not organize chronologically, but generally by size of the chapter from largest to smallest with the exception of Sura 1 which is only several lines long.
Three times in the Koran (2:106, 16:101, 17:106) Allah says that whatever he reveals chronologically later abrogates (overrules or cancels) what he previously revealed. Allah commands Mohammad to bring the community of people from their unbelief to full compliance with sharia progressively in stages. This is exactly what we are seeing on the ground today across the world. The Muslim community is slowly moving from living however they want to live to living in communities that are adhering to the sharia to a greater and greater degree.
According to Islam, Mohammad first received revelations in Mecca for a period of thirteen (13) years. He was completely rejected as a “prophet” by the religious scholars (Jewish, Christian) of the time. During those years only approximately 200 people converted to Islam – in 13 years. This is the time of “tolerance” where Mohammad had to tolerate the non-Muslims and there were no revelations of jihad.
Then Mohammad made the hijra to Medina, and was called to become a political and military leader. There he raised an army and gained many converts to Islam as he began to get revelations of jihad. First Mohammad received revelations of defensive jihad, then limited offensive jihad, and finally, the command to wage jihad as a permanent obligation until the entire world is under sharia.
Allah said it last (chronologically) in the Koran, then Mohammad said it, and then Mohammad did it. This is why there is no gray area in sharia as to the permanent command for all Muslims to wage jihad until the entire world is under sharia when they have the strength and ability to do so.
The Law of Jihad provides for how jihad can be waged by Muslims depending on where they are and their abilities.
Bringing greater sharia adherence to the world via jihad is the Muslim Brotherhood’s entire focus of all they do, and the stated objective of all of the jihadi organizations on the planet.
Christian doctrine includes the notion of progressive revelation, but not the bastardized form in Islam. In Biblical doctrine God’s revelation is progressively more complex throughout the scriptures, but there is never an abrogation of God’s revelation or a changing in His expectations for us or how He saves mankind. In the Holy Scriptures there is consistency. In Islam there is contradiction. Islam was and is a political faith concocted by a syphilitic pedophile for the purpose of keeping his band of fighters together. It isn’t original or unique. Everything in is fabricated, stolen or otherwise concocted for the sole purpose of exercising dominance over other men and taking their women and wealth. You may or may not share my theological views, but hold on for a moment and you’ll see the relevance of this for your life.
Since it is an ideology of domination, it has a doctrine of justification (Allah’s warriors are just and righteous to steal the riches of their conquests), no doctrine at all of forgiveness, grace or love, and an eschatology of victory. Whereas Christianity makes it clear that the elderly, the sick, widows and orphans have a special place in God’s heart, Islam in its unmitigated darkness targets the weak, infirmed and defenseless. It targets the weak of mind for its pernicious doctrines, and the weak spirited for domination.
Baron Bodissey on January 8th ran this column which delves into the simultaneous but not “spontaneous” assaults on European women, “The Larger Motive Behind the Groping Jihad.”
The city authorities covered up what had happened for as long as they could. They didn’t want to acknowledge that young women had been molested under the eyes of their police, and they especially didn’t want to admit that most of the gropers were recently-arrived “refugees” from North Africa and the Middle East. It wasn’t until last Sunday that the news of what happened was splashed across the headlines in Germany and the rest of Europe. And it took several more days to learn that Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Dusseldorf, and other German cities had experienced the same sort of incidents on New Year’s Eve. Later we found out that the same thing occurred in Helsinki, Vienna, Salzburg, Zurich, Oslo, and Stockholm. I’m certain that we’ll eventually hear of incidents in other major European cities that have a significant “refugee” population.
In each city the modus operandi seemed to be the same: a large number of young men, often intoxicated and setting off fireworks, preying on young women in a coordinated fashion, as if the whole thing were planned and organized in advance. Which it may well have been – but in a distributed fashion, not with a central command structure.
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi did not order his troops to carry out attacks. But he didn’t have to – this is Islam, and any good Muslim who has paid attention to what is preached in mosques and instructed in madrassas knows exactly what to do.
Not to mention what is preached in the Koran. The Baron indirectly adopts my own label for Islam and its cipher-like zombies: Star Trek’s the Borg.
The third layer of purpose is more subtle. To understand it, you have to understand Islam as an organism, as a hive mind that acts through many agents but with a single program.
This organism is now expanding into new territory, feeling its way as it goes, assessing the presence of the enemy and attempting to determine the strength and nature of his response to the incursion. One way to test the enemy’s mettle is to target his women.
This army of “refugees” made a statement on New Year’s Eve in Cologne (and in Vienna, Salzburg, Zurich, Oslo, Stockholm, and elsewhere: Islam is here, and we’re claiming your women. After all, Verse 16.71 and other verses assert:
And Allah hath favored some of you above others in provision. Now those who are more favored will by no means hand over their provision to those (slaves) whom their right hands possess, so that they may be equal with them in respect thereof. Is it then the grace of Allah that they deny?
And thousands of right hands were making their claims of possession in Cologne and other European cities that New Year’s Eve. Probing, Fondling. Raping.
Britain’s The Daily Mail has extensive coverage of the assaults and the aftermath here.
So, we know all about German and European women. But, where are all the German and European men? Have they been castrated? Turned into eunuchs by their education and political upbringing?
One of them might answer: “That’s not fair! We’re not afraid of Muslims. We know they’re bigots. But we don’t want to be called Islamophobes, or bigots, or ‘right-wingers.’ We’re very upset. We don’t know what to do.”
Then, gentlemen, you can kiss your country goodbye, and your womenfolk, too.
Society in western Europe is on the verge of breaking down amid chaotic violence caused by economic dislocation, mass immigration and terrorism. This is not the view of some ‘crazy survivalist’ but of the head of the Swiss Armed Forces.
Lieutenant-General André Blattmann has issued a warning to the Swiss people that society is dangerously close to collapse and advised those not already armed as part of the Swiss Army reserve to take steps to arm themselves …
“The threat of terror is rising, hybrid wars are being fought around the globe; the economic outlook is gloomy and the resulting migration flows of displaced persons and refugees have assumed unforeseen dimensions.”
Europeans are buying guns, but as long as the most sought-after item is OC spray by women who are rightly afraid, Europe hasn’t found the soul to defend itself, and probably will not survive. The men are confused, halting and befuddled. It took a committed Christian continent to repel the Islamic assaults of history, and Europe today is so secularized and morally hideous and obscene that the most significant reaction Germany can muster to a rape victim is to harass her.
As Texas officials spar with Obama administration lawyers over refugee resettlement, Amarillo is building Muslim “ghettos.”
Under federal refugee programs, the North Texas town has become home to more than 1,000 Mideast migrants – giving Amarillo the highest refugee ratio in the country.
“Our education system is overloaded with kids who can’t speak English. We have something like 22 languages spoken in our schools,” said William Sumerford, a local taxpayer activist.
City Commissioner Randy Burkett is considering a plan to halt further refugee settlements. Burkett could not be reached, but Mayor Paul Harpole isn’t optimistic about the city’s authority to push back.
“We’ve been a giving community, and it’s a huge disservice to bring in refugees in numbers that we’re not able to handle. We create small ghettos,” Harpole told Watchdog.org.
These ghettos won’t be acceptable for long by the Muslims. We’ve seen what happens to women who are ambushed by hordes of Muslims, and it’s awful for them.
Take note of one Frenchman who is accosted by a Muslim criminal in broad daylight, the only thing stopping him being that the Frenchman toted a handgun. Also take note of the swaggering, strutting, arrogant demeanor of the criminal, perceiving himself to be dominate in a strange land because of birthright.
The common theme should have become more pronounced by now. By birthright (or conversion), Muslims are taught to see what’s yours as theirs, women as chattel, and men as kafirs to be conquered and killed. Islam doesn’t coexist. Islam is an invasive organism that tests, prods and penetrates to find weaknesses in the host organism. It’s goal is to take over the host, consume its wealth, and conquer its people.
The migrant situation is going to get way worse, and we’ve only seen the beginning. The number of migrants has reached 60 million, with many still in transit. Let me repeat that for emphasis. Many of the migrants haven’t even yet arrived. They are still in transit. It may sound repetitive and redundant to keep saying it, but be ready to use weapons to defend yourselves, your family and your tribe. Practicing with your weapons is necessary, as necessary as having weapons and ammunition. But also necessary is the mental and spiritual steel and resolve to kill in order to effect self defense. While it may seem odd to bring this up, apparently it isn’t such an odd observation for Frenchmen or Germans.
While it may interesting to study and practice maneuver warfare and small unit combat tactics, techniques and procedures, MOUT and CQB techniques, the most likely first employment of a weapon you will ever face will be with your handgun and/or tactical knife. Remember Herschel’s Dictum. Always carry, always be prepared, keep your head on a swivel, and know with certainty that this is headed our way.