BY Herschel Smith
12 years, 2 months ago
There will be further calls for stricter gun control. Obama will do it, the Democrat senators will do it, and the left-leaning think tanks will do it. Expect it.
Next, remember that despite what you will hear, gun violence is not soaring in America.
Also, despite what you will hear, law abiding citizens will still need protection from criminals, including the very type or pattern weapon that the shooter used with a high capacity magazine.
If the school was unprotected with concealed carriers or security, the pattern weapon the shooter used is irrelevant. He could have been carrying a 5-shot revolver and accomplished the same violence. He was unimpeded, and that’s the problem. This is sad, and it could have been ameliorated to some extent if someone had been carrying a weapon.
As I’ve said, crime is a moral decision, value judgment and social and cultural phenomenon. It isn’t related to the existence of guns, and if guns weren’t available, they will use hammers. Gun control laws cannot raise children to believe in values.
Despite what you will hear, gun control won’t stop injuries and crimes. In China, a knife-wielding man just injured 22 children in school.
As for the national conversation about guns that we are said to need, we’ve been having it for years. Gun control advocates don’t want to have a conversation. They want to confiscate guns.