I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets [read more]
By now you’re aware that House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes said that Trump transition team was under surveillance. He was polite. He said it was “inadvertent.” We all know better. He’s handing out bits and pieces of information in order to bait the field.
Meanwhile, I haven’t linked George Webb for a while but he’s still active. He uses the Awan brothers to launch into a plea for more FBI agents to come forward with what they know about any number of things, from human organ harvesting to drug trafficking, from illegal surveillance to disclosure to unauthorized individuals.
George also paints a huge target on Andrew McCabe, which we all know needed to be painted. For McCabe, listen carefully. The grim reaper is calling. Do you hear him? He’s calling for you by name. But I would add that unless Comey is fired and investigated, the deep state wins. The Trump administration has not truly started unless and until Comey is replaced and investigated. If Trump leaves him in place, I question whether he actually wants to be president.
Some congressional Republicans were quick to agree Thursday with Democrats calling for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to recuse himself from investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 election, following leaks and media reports that Sessions met with Moscow’s ambassador twice last year.
The allegations, leaked from intelligence sources, were first reported by The Washington Post.
“I have not met with any Russians at any time to discuss any political campaign,” Sessions said Wednesday evening when confronted with the allegations. “And those remarks are unbelievable to me and are false. I don’t have anything else to say about that.”
A Sessions spokesperson elaborated on why Sessions had been truthful.
“He was asked during the hearing about communications between Russia and the Trump campaign — not about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee,” Sessions spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores explained.
In January, Sessions was asked by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) for answers to written questions, including if he had “been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after Election Day?” The attorney general was not asked if he had been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government for any reason during the entire course of the year.
Nevertheless, a number of Republicans were quick to give in to the media narrative.
During a town hall with Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) on CNN Wednesday evening, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) said that if Sessions had spoken with the Russian ambassador, “then for sure you need a special prosecutor.”
Graham did later call demands for Sessions’ resignation “crazy” in a series of Thursday tweets, but added “Sessions needs to explain his contacts with the Russian ambassador during his service as a Senator – that’s appropriate.”
“AG Sessions should clarify his testimony and recuse himself,” House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) tweeted early on Thursday.
“I think, the trust of the American people, you recuse yourself in these situations,” House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” Thursday morning.
McCarthy, in a later appearance on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” backtracked and said he wasn’t calling on Sessions to recuse himself.
“I’m not calling on [Sessions] to recuse himself,” McCarthy said. “It’s amazing how people spin things so quickly.”
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) joined in during an appearance on NPR on Thursday morning. “It is potentially the case that there is going to be Justice Department recommendations or referrals based on anything regarding the campaign, he said. “Depending on what more we learn about these meetings, it could very well be that the attorney general, in the interest of fairness and in his best interest, should potentially ask someone else to step in and play that role.”
[ … ]
Not every Republican declined to defend Sessions, however.
“What we are seeing is a lot of political theater,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said on “Morning Joe.”
“This morning, everyone is in high dudgeon about the meeting,” Cruz continued. “The underlying meeting is a nothing burger. It’s what senators do every day. Meeting with foreign ambassadors, that’s part of the job,” he said.
“I think everyone is getting all worked up because it’s a chance to beat up the attorney general and to beat up the president,” said Cruz.
Mark my words. Hear me carefully. Every politician, from democrats to republicans (most democrats, Graham, Rubio, McCain, McCarthy, etc.) who calls for a full investigation into the awful Russian things, they know not what they are, is hiding something.
Every … one … of … them … is compromised by or implicated in pedogate, nation toppling in North Africa, oil plays, money laundering, human trafficking, human organ harvesting, weapons and precious metals, along with DynCorp, the CIA, the State Department, the Clinton Global Initiative, and part of the FBI (Andrew McCabe, call your office). Every one of them.
Cruz is not implicated. Read it all again. Their words prove them out. It’s easiest when the guilty self identify. It makes our job quicker.
This all has nothing whatsoever to do with Russia. It’s all a smokescreen to hide the real evil, a subterfuge, a magician’s distraction from the real trick. But not a good one for educated men and women. We all know better.
We’ve discussed the firing of General Michael Flynn earlier, and followed it up with an informative video. There are two more videos coming your way in this post, since it’s the best way I know to communicate things in a short and easy manner. But before we get there, I need to convey a few thoughts.
This writer has some things to say along those lines, pointing to the deep state coup against Michael Flynn and advocating the idea that this wasn’t about Flynn. It’s about who’s in charge, Donald Trump or the deep state. But he gets sidetracked by adding these things.
Please don’t come and tell me that Flynn was wrong on Iran, on Islam or on China. I agree … For better or for worse, it is absolutely evident that Flynn was the brain behind Trump’s entire foreign policy. On some stuff Flynn was great (Russia), on some stuff he was okay (Takfiri terrorism), on some stuff he was ridiculous (China) and on some stuff he was terrible (Iran).
The writer is correct that the deep state had to bring him down. He’s wrong on his assessment of Flynn and foreign policy generally. As for Iran, many writers aren’t able to divorce themselves from loathing of Jews or Israel or the Mossad. Listen to me, folks. Our Iran policy should not be based on whatever the Mossad wants us to think.
The problem with Iran is that the Imams believe in the “twelver” view. They want to see the final Imam come, they want to see a worldwide conflagration, they want Iran to burn in order to start it all, and above all else – yes, above the destruction of Israel – they want to see America burn. Don’t see Iran in the idiotic Ron Paul way, where if we just stop meddling in foreign affairs we can be friends with these people and trade with them.
Horse shit. We should stop meddling in foreign affairs, and we should close our borders. But that won’t change one iota what the Quds or the radical Mullahs think of us or want for us in the end. We will eventually have to confront Iran, and it’s best to do it with less military force than with greater. Obama refused even to verbally support the “Green” movement in Iran when they needed it most. We allowed them to humiliate our sailors, we made pussy deals with them, and thus we empowered Iran. Sanctions were working to impoverish the country, and then they were removed. We haven’t even tried yet with Iran, and we seem to want to give up because we have no stomach anymore for anything at all beyond sitting on the couch and watching idiot shows on the TV.
Flynn is also spot on about Islam. I’m not sure where the writer is getting his view of Islam, but Muslims, many of them, would sooner cut his head off than to look at him, and if they outnumbered him would force conversion to the evils of Mohammedism. Flynn knew all of these things, and more. This, along with the fact that he knows where the bodies are buried, so to speak, is why he had to go. He knows where the assassinated folks are. He knows who killed the reporters looking into the oil rat lines in Libya. He knows who killed Monica Petersen. The writer only got it partially right. Former CIA director John Brennan is a Muslim, Obama is at least a Muslim-sympathizer, and the country has been infiltrated with Muslim Brotherhood operatives at the highest levels.
Flynn knows all of this, information from the deep state to the Islamic threat, and he knows that there is a pedo ring operating within the highest circles of government. And he knows that DynCorp and the CIA is taking down Libya and Syria for oil, money, human organs and children. Flynn wasn’t just some target to show off for the deep state, he wasn’t just an example to everyone else. Flynn represented a threat to them of the greatest caliber. This wasn’t random. Michael Flynn has character and knows as much as they do. This made him their number one threat. Got it?
Now, on to the updates and perspectives by those who know more than I do. Listen to as much of this video by Robert David Steele as you can (it’s a long one). If you cannot devote the time to this video in its entirety, then watch the first ten minutes. It would have been better if Alex Jones would shut up.
Then listen to the counterargument, which is that Flynn’s firing is exactly what Donald Trump wanted to happen, the plan being hatched by Flynn himself. I find this hypothesis very unlikely, and the evidence isn’t hard. This is all highly speculative with only open source information, whereas I believe that Steele still has good contacts within the intelligence community.
Either way, there is civil war within the highest circles of power in America. Those circles had better hope the right side wins. There might be a bigger war after this if it doesn’t go well.
George Webb Sweigert, from Portland, Oregon, has an amazing video series that I’ve linked before and will continue to link. I won’t embed every video since the last time I posted, but I will embed two, and in these two videos George outlines a number of bad actors in the deep state, including the Council on Foreign Relations, Steve Feinberg and DynCorp, David Petraeus, The Clinton Foundation, and a number of Senators who will be found to be involved in this for various reasons, including oil plays. All of these operations involved disinformation, lies, propaganda, murder for hire, toppling of sovereign nations, and the trafficking of oil, arms and children. Also, at The Sullen Bell, Ed Jewett has a good collection of Webb PowerPoint slides and also links to a number of source documents George uses.