BY Herschel Smith
12 years ago
Or perhaps the proper title would have been “You the Extremist and Tannerite.” David Codrea.
An “Unclassified/For Official Use Only” Federal Bureau of Investigation WMD Intelligence Analysis Section Terrorist Explosive Device Analytical Center intelligence bulletin issued Tuesday “assesses with high confidence recreationally used exploding targets (ETs), commonly referred to as tannerite, or reactive targets, can be used as an explosive for illicit purposes by criminals and extremists and explosive precursor chemicals (EPCs) present in ETs can be combined with other materials to manufacture explosives for use in improvised explosive devices (IEDs).”
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“The term extremists,” the bulletin explains in a footnote, “includes international terrorists, homegrown violent extremists, domestic terrorists, and lone wolf offenders operating in the United States or abroad.” Previous Gun Rights Examiner reports have demonstrated the federal government applies those terms liberally to include groups as innocuous as “preppers” and “Constitutionalists,” among others.
Good Lord. Seriously? Really? Western Rifle Shooters reacts:
Hold me close, Uncle Bob — I’m a-skeered.
On a serious note (because the FBI is so unserious these days), note what is not happening in all of this. The FBI is not chasing down illegal aliens crossing the border. They are not targeting the Mexican drug lords. They are not eradicating MS-13. They are not burrowing down deep into organized crime in the inner cities. The folks who work in the field offices might get killed doing those things.
No, those things are hard to do. They would rather wring their hands over “extremists” and Tannerite. So there you have it. Your tax dollars at work.
Read it at Examiner.