BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 11 months ago
News (or not).
Police in Ottawa see signs that guns have been brought into a truckers’ protest against vaccine mandates that has paralysed the Canadian capital, the police chief said on Wednesday, adding that calling in the military would pose major risks.
“We have had an indication around firearms coming into this jurisdiction as part of this demonstration as much as a week and a half ago,” Chief Peter Sloly told a briefing.
He said there was evidence of “a significant element from the United States in the funding and organising” of the protest.
I see this as one of two things. Either this is outright state propaganda (“guns,” “major risks”) to paralyze the people themselves over unfounded fears, or they in fact have indication of something about to happen, in which case it would definitely be funded and perpetrated by black hats.
I would bet my next paycheck there isn’t a single American in the bunch, not a single American dollar funding any of it.
My vote is going to bad, poorly crafted, obvious state propaganda designed for the purpose of turning people against the truckers.
I predict it won’t work.
BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 11 months ago
Via Ken, the towing companies don’t seem to be too willing to help the RCMP out very much.
Authorities searching for tow truck companies to assist in the removal of trucks from Coutts border blockade are coming up empty-handed.
According to local towing companies, requests have come in since Sunday for trucks to assist RCMP should they look to haul away trucks and other vehicles participating in the border blockade.
[ … ]
“We have created relationships in our community and contracts that would be in jeopardy if we participate in any way,” said a worker at the towing company who asked to remain anonymous to avoid any negative response to his company.
“A lot of these smaller companies don’t want to ruin their reputation in the communities they serve so they don’t want to get involved,” he said.
“We have received calls here to supply our trucks, but we’ve also had calls from locals who won’t identify themselves asking if we plan to send trucks. When I told them ‘no’ they said ‘good then we will keep supporting you.’”
Yes. Remember boys and girls, you need to be in business when this is all over.
BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 11 months ago
So an American version of what’s going on in Canada just across the border may be in its planning stages. They started a group over Fakebook.
Funny, that. I knew it wouldn’t last. Sure enough, within hours, Fakebook shut them down.
So here’s the feel good story of the day. Within hours of being shut out of Fakebook, they moved to Gab. Just like that, in a matter of hours, Fakebook turned over that much traffic to Gab, free of charge.
That made it a good day.
Here’s the info from a note from Andrew Torba.
You can click here to find the American Freedom Convoy group on Gab.
You can follow the offical Trucker Convoy account here.
Finally you can join the Canadian Trucker Convoy group here which has coverage from people on the ground.
Finally, no one is actually doing reporting on the Canadian trucker business except Rebel News, the group mr. big hair hates so much. By the way, have you noticed that mr. big hair looks bloated and fat now?
Rebel News Coverage