BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 1 month ago
Recall that I had made a FOIA request to the city of Alexandria, Virginia, concerning an incident where a man with a gun stood “outside Del. Mark Levine’s window.” The city of Alexandria has responded.
RE: W014261-021820
Dear Sir/Madam,
This is to acknowledge receipt of your request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) dated 2/18/2020 referenced above. Based upon the information contained in your request, we have conducted a thorough search of the records held by the City and find that no police report for this event exists.
This letter is for your records and to inform you that the FOIA request file is now closed.
David Lanier
Assistant City Attorney
So what the hell was that all about? He clearly stated that he engaged the police and that the police responded and interacted with the man. He also later stated that he wanted to press charges of some sort.
He can’t press charges without a police report. What’s going on here?
UPDATE: David Codrea notes that “speculation that it may have been Fairfax County Police, not according to the news account quoting Alexandria police Lt. Courtney Ballentine. Someone is not being truthful and/or compliant here.”