Interesting reddit/firearms comment thread. One reader gets it and has sense of where this is headed.
The is one of the main issues to me. People will obviously not comply with registration, and there will obviously be illegal private transactions that take place after the law goes in to effect. But FFL’s are in an unfortunate position where they have no choice but to follow the law. I think a lot of people aren’t thinking of this aspect. They assume that if the law passes, everyone will disobey the law, and that things will more or less go on as normal.
That’s a good point and one that I have been thinking about.
Remember, while there will indeed still be private transactions, as there should be, and while I suspect most gun owners will neither give up nor register their firearms, nor should they, FFLs will be in a mess.
This is one of the goals of the controllers. For my Virginian readers and friends, you’ll still likely be able to purchase bolt action rifles, maybe lever action rifles, revolvers and shotguns (I expect limits on tube mag capacity, and perhaps limits on type, i.e., pump action allowed, no auto-loaders), you won’t be able to purchase MSRs or standard capacity magazines from your local FFL. It’s likely that pistol sales will be tightly controlled and monitored.
Some FFLs will shut down. Some will barely be able to stay afloat. In the mean time, remember that you can still purchase what you want, and also remember this: under current ATF rules, long guns sales from an FFL can cross state lines in adjacent states.
That means you can drive to North Carolina, West Virginia, Kentucky or Tennessee to buy MSRs, pistols, magazines, and whatever else you need. Ammunition is a huge deal. Make sure you have everything you will want or need, for both you and your progeny.