Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Guns And Ammo Flying Off Shelves In Virginia, Governor Calls For Gun Ban Force

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 1 month ago

The Daily Wire.

Gun retailers in Virginia say they’re seeing sales of weapons and ammunition skyrocket as the now fully Democratic Virginia legislature moves closer to passing strict gun control within the state — including a provision that allows the state government to confiscate so-called “assault weapons” if citizens who own them don’t register the weapons.

The Washington Examiner reports that at least one gun retailer has seen sales rise more than 200% year over year. Cash sales are way up, especially amid news that Democrats in Virginia and in Congress want to use credit card information to track gun purchases.

“This is the largest Christmas and November, December that we’ve had, basically, since Trump has come on board. The only other person that was a better salesman right now is when we had President Obama,” one retailer told the Examiner.

[ … ]

Democrats in Virginia say they’re paving the way for a national gun control program, and have proposed a number of possible restrictions, including a complete ban on assault rifles, backed up by the threat of confiscation. The Examiner adds that Democrats are also pursuing  “restrictions on magazine capacity, universal background checks, and restrictions to one gun a month purchases.”

This is a continuation of the trend we already noted.  Meanwhile, governor Ralph “Kill the babies give me all your guns” Northam continues Virginia careening down the road to possible civil war.

“We see in the governor’s proposed budget that he wants $4 million and 18 new law-enforcement positions to enforce a ban on commonly-owned firearms,” said Erich Pratt, Gun Owners of America senior vice president.

“Gun owners want to know: Is this money going to be used for the gun confiscation?” he added.

[ … ]

At today’s budget hearings, the groups have urged their members to ask questions about Northam’s budget that includes $4.8 million for an 18-person force to implement his proposed assault weapons ban.

Anyone who joins that 10-person force is a fool, and it isn’t clear that 18,000 would be enough.  That’s all assuming that Virginians are serious about this thing.  As I have said before, this “cannot be an empty warning.  If it is, no one should be issuing the warning at all.  If the next step is to turn to the black-robed tyrants, you will lose …

So-called “assault weapons” bans are in place in New York and Connecticut and have been for some time.  No state or federal court has ever struck them down.  If you trust your future to the tyrants, you’ll be disappointed.  When Sheriffs say they will deputize a posse, they must mean it.  State agents will have to be put in county prisons.  Road blocks will have to be set up.  Show downs will occur, and they’ll be armed show downs.  Teams of agents will have to refuse to do the bidding of the state tyrants for fear of the consequences.  The same goes for the national guard troops.”

I’m certain that the baby-killing governor is certain that he intends to do all of this.  What I’m uncertain of at the moment is whether Virginians intend to go down peacefully.  There is a huge difference between active resistance and hiding weapons in the back yard, never again being able to go to the shooting range for practice, waiting for that time when the .gov finds you out, and hoping for leniency.

Representative Thomas Massie On 2A Sanctuaries

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 1 month ago


Kentucky Republican Rep. Thomas Massie thinks some local law enforcement leaders will be willing to go to jail rather than comply with state gun control laws they deem unconstitutional.

“Attended my first 2A sanctuary meeting today in Lewis County (where I live). Standing room only. Friends and neighbors spoke passionately and articulately. County officials unanimously passed a resolution,” Massie tweeted on Dec. 30. “This grassroots movement feels even stronger than the Tea Party in 2010.”

[ … ]

Massie cited Weld County, Colorado Sheriff Steve Reams, a critic of the state’s “red flag” law, who has offered to put himself in his own jail rather than enforce the state law.

“His county government has already voted to fund his legal fees should he end up in a protracted legal battle that might go all the way” to the Supreme Court, Massie told the Washington Examiner.

“And so that’s one of the things that when you boil it all down and say, ‘What does the sanctuary county movement mean?’” Massie said. “So, what it could mean is that county governments decide to use taxpayer dollars, with the blessing of the taxpayers in those counties, to support the sheriffs in their court battles.”

Massie compared the potential circumstances to the jailing of Rowan County, Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis by a judge when she refused to sign same-sex marriage certificates in 2015.

“A lot of people didn’t think she was willing to do this, but she resisted a judge’s order to issue marriage licenses with her name on it, and she refused to do it, and he found her in contempt and threw her in jail without a jury trial,” Massie said.

“So, she was basically a political prisoner,” Massie said. “She stayed in jail until it became a national issue.”

That is a horrible analogy.  She lost her legal battle, cost the state a quarter of a million dollars in legal fees, and then lost her bid for reelection.

I do like Thomas Massie, but listen to me sir.  This isn’t anything at all like Kim Davis.  That time has come and gone.  The ballot box is corrupted, the voice box is being used now, and the warning to the Virginia legislators is to use the cartridge box next.

That cannot be an empty warning.  If it is, no one should be issuing the warning at all.  If the next step is to turn to the black-robed tyrants, you will lose, just like Ms. Davis.  So-called “assault weapons” bans are in place in New York and Connecticut and have been for some time.  No state or federal court has ever struck them down.

If you trust your future to the tyrants, you’ll be disappointed.  When Sheriffs say they will deputize a posse, they must mean it.  State agents will have to be put in county prisons.  Road blocks will have to be set up.  Show downs will occur, and they’ll be armed show downs.  Teams of agents will have to refuse to do the bidding of the state tyrants for fear of the consequences.  The same goes for the national guard troops.

I’m not getting the vibe that the participants understand all of this.  I’m virtually certain the Sheriffs don’t.

Matt Bracken: The 2020 Virginia Showdown

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 1 month ago


… in all of history there has never been a civil war where, at the outset of hostilities, the resisting indigenous population was armed to the teeth with rifles capable of making 500 to 1,000 yard aimed precision shots. Never.

[ … ]

I’m simply not aware of any previous civil war where tens of thousands of aggrieved citizens began the struggle armed with rifles capable of making 500 yard and greater precision shots. This is an equation changer. Gun raids will not be possible for long if law enforcement convoys are taken under accurate fire en-route to and from gun confiscation operations, and roadside car-search checkpoint duty becomes a suicide mission. Never forget what happened to the British redcoats on the famous 1775 gun confiscation raids at Concord and Lexington, and perhaps more importantly, remember what happened to them during their retreat to Boston.

I simply don’t know where this is all headed yet, and reiterate that it depends on the will of the people who have shown up to support the 2A sanctuary resolutions.  Where is the line in the sand?

One thing I’m sure of, however, is that the collectivists will not budge.  “Can a leopard change its spots?”  It will be decision time very soon.

Bear Takes Walk Through VA Neighborhood On Trash Night

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 1 month ago

News from near the viper’s pit.

HAYMARKET, VA — The middle of the night is a perfect time for a black bear to go wandering through a neighborhood in a Washington suburb. Chances are slim the bear will come into contact with a human, making it easier for the bear to enjoy the sights and search for food without interruptions.

[ … ]

If a bear is in your yard and it approaches you, make yourself look big and make loud noises. Remain at a safe distance and throw rocks to make the bear feel unwelcome.

Yes, chances are slim.  And that’s exactly what I recommend you do, folks around the beltway.  Scream and throw rocks to make it feel unwelcome, if you can find any rocks after Pedro has manicured your lawn.

Meanwhile, I suppose governor Ralph “Kill the babies give me all your guns” Northam is proceeding apace to ensure you are incapable of any defense against Mr. bear, so just don’t go out anywhere at night.  Or let your pets out.  Perhaps poochie the dog can take a crap on your carpet.  Is that okay, mommy?

Gun Sales Are Up In Virginia

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 1 month ago

News from Virginia.

As a symbolic opposition to the bills, more than 100 Virginia localities have become Second Amendment sanctuaries.

Meanwhile, gun sales have shot up 35 to 45 percent at one gun store in Abingdon.

Employee Josh Petry said Christmas is usually a busy time of year, but he has noticed extra concern among some customers.

“I think people are a little scared and nervous of what the governor is proposing and some of the legislation that’s already been filed early,” said Petry.

“The new proposed gun laws have really awakened a lot of people who didn’t really play attention to politics before,” Blevins added.

“Symbolic opposition.”

So here’s a question for the controllers.  If this “opposition” is merely symbolic, and if they plan on turning their guns in to governor Ralph “Kill the babies give me all your guns” Northam, why would they be spending their hard-earned money on buying more guns?

Ponder that.

I told you when speaking to The Washington Post editorial board.  “It isn’t clear what sort of mental gymnastics would make the editorial board believe that folks in Abingdon, Damascus, or Franklin County would comply with any new firearms laws.”

Because I know the folks around Abingdon and Damascus, and the controllers don’t.

Virginia Sheriffs On 2A Sanctuaries

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

Be careful what you ascribe to county Sheriffs and just how much faith you place in them.  These statements ring troubling.

Nelson County Sheriff David Hill said to him, the Constitution is the Constitution.

“As a constitutional officer — as sheriff — I’m here to protect the rights of citizens against things like unlawful search and seizure. State and federal agencies don’t come in unless we ask them to. As far as sanctuaries; the individual has the right to bear arms. As long as they have proper credentials, then that’s fine. Our office isn’t going to knock on doors and we aren’t going to allow people to come in and round up firearms and what have you. If [the individual is] mentally competent and not a felon, there shouldn’t be a problem. As long as the Constitution reads the way I read it, we’re going to be okay,” Hill said.

Hill said he believes any changes on the state level are to ensure the safety of everyone and shouldn’t impact those who should be able to have guns.

He’s surely lying or very misguided if he says that changes on the state level are to “ensure the safety of everyone and shouldn’t impact those who should be able to have guns.”

He’s surely got to know better.  He must know the true nature of the controllers, and he has surely seen the proposed laws outlawing modern sporting rifles, a feature of discussion in virtually every resolution I’ve seen (with citizens defending their right to own such weapons).  If by “who should be able to have guns” he means bolt action rifles, that won’t be good enough.  And if he means that as long as the FedGov or state doesn’t red flag someone or put them on a prohibited list then he’ll let them exercise their rights, that won’t be good enough.  He has surely read the proposed laws and seen the debates.  He’s troubled because the times are troubled, and he’s currently riding the fence.  He doesn’t know what to do, and thus reverts back to the “wait and see” approach.  The controllers aren’t backing down, and this is going to happen.  Wait and see means don’t bother me with this right now.

He finishes up with this.  “That’s the ultimate goal to keep guns away from felons and those with mental disabilities. They want to put up safeguards to keep people safe. But coming in and taking all firearms? That’s not going to happen,” Hill said.  So, he support red flag laws.

Appomattox Sheriff-elect Donald Simpson said the laws people are voicing their concerns over have yet to pass and so he’ll have to “wait and see if they are voted on.”

“Then, we’ll have to look at these laws in cooperation with the commonwealth’s attorney. Personally I’m in support of the Second Amendment and will not be enforcing any unconstitutional laws,” Simpson said.

Simpson said there are hundreds if not thousands of law-abiding citizens in Appomattox, but he believes, should some of the proposed legislation pass, they would “instantly become felons.” Simpson said for him, he feels much of the proposed legislation is unconstitutional and currently isn’t sure how his department would work with the Virginia State Police if legislation is passed.

“It’s territory we have never been in before; certainly not in my career,” Simpson said.

“Wait and see.”  “Unconstitutional laws.”  But what will you do when this happens, as it surely will?  What will you do when a judge declares that what the Virginia controllers do is constitutional, as some judge surely will?  “Isn’t sure how his department would work with the Virginia State Police.”

This is the best part.  He will be expected to cooperate fully, and according to the controllers, nothing short of this is acceptable.

Folks, in between now and just a few weeks, men will have to steel and resolve themselves and reach some point of cognitive rest on these issues.  Time is short, too short for “wait and see.”  These are issues of morality, scruples and character.  It doesn’t take bad laws to declare your county a 2A sanctuary, as we’ve seen in some counties already.  These are decisions you make long, long beforehand based on world and life view, not pragmatic concerns.

These men need to be replaced with someone who believes in something.  There are perhaps others like them in Virginia.

Second Amendment Sanctuaries Are A Legal Fiction That Jeopardize Public Safety

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

So says Chelsea Parsons, vice president for Gun Violence Prevention at the Center for American Progress in Washington.

There is no such thing as a “Second Amendment sanctuary.” This concept is a legal fiction adopted by a small minority of local leaders to undermine normal democratic processes and override the will of a majority of a state’s voters.

Any resolution enacted by a local governing body that attempts to pick and choose which state laws apply in a particular jurisdiction is at best a symbolic gesture akin to a protest sign. At worst, these resolutions undermine duly enacted state laws and jeopardize public safety.

Although declarations by local legislative bodies that certain gun laws do not apply have no legal effect, they still have the potential to jeopardize community safety. The kinds of gun laws targeted by these resolutions — laws such as universal background checks, safe storage requirements and extreme risk protection orders — are designed to prevent shootings by addressing different aspects of the gun violence problem.

So-called “Second Amendment sanctuary” resolutions undermine these crucial laws by tacitly (or in some cases explicitly) encouraging residents to violate them. This impedes the implementation of these laws and prevents them from having their full protective effect.

For example, state laws requiring universal background checks for all gun sales are designed to prevent people who are prohibited from gun possession from having an easy channel to buy guns. If a county resolution explicitly states or implicitly suggests that a universal background check law does not apply in a particular county, residents may rely on that resolution to sell guns without a background check in violation of that law.

Notice the hysterical verbiage.  I still think the controllers are deeply conflicted.  On the one hand, they are null and void, to no effect, irrelevant, will do nothing at all to stop the implementation of the law, but are also chilling, dangerous, and will jeopardize public safety.

They are conflicted because they simply cannot imagine ordinary folks defying unconstitutional laws.  Creatures of the state, they are, and as long as a black robed tyrant declares an edict, or a bad law gets passed, they are perfectly willing to obey and demand fealty from others.

But ordinary folk often have morals and scruples that are not malleable to fad of the day, unlike this woman.  She is scared of what may come, as are the politicians in Virginia.  There is no other reason to get opinions issued by the state AG, write ridiculous missives like this one, and bow their chest out about using the national guard.

They ought to be scared.  Via WRSA, Aesop drops a wet blanket on their plans.

Tell us how many divisions the Nazis needed to garrison unarmed populations, and then tell us what the numbers would be against a population that bought more guns than the U.S., Russian, Chinese, and NATO armies have, combined, in just last year alone, and every year since they’ve kept stats?

If I’m a betting man, I like the odds in favor of Team Partisan.

It’s worse than that, really.  The statists cannot count on law enforcement or the NG.  This report today from Law Enforcement Today is a remarkable catalog of just where we were and where we’ve come.

Law Enforcement Today received many military member responses to this threat, saying they, too, would not enforce these proposed unconstitutional laws.  It boils down to this:  Politicians insisting on law enforcement and military to strip people of their rights for political gain are asking for civil war.

[ … ]

Law Enforcement Today has found itself unexpectedly in the middle of this battle – and we’re proudly on the side of Sheriff Jenkins.

[ … ]

That’s why we’ve covered the growing number of people who tell us they’re joining the militia.  Because they aren’t just the traditional “three percenters”.  They are cops – both active and retired.  They are veterans …

[ … ]

The first article we dropped about the growing militias was on Monday.  Within two hours, we were hit with several massive cyber attacks.  The same happened following articles on Tuesday and on Wednesday.

[ … ]

While Virginia is turning into a whole different kind of “battleground state”, we’re receiving messages from people in Washington, Oregon, Arizona, New Mexico, and California saying their own militias are exploding in numbers.

And at the same time, lawmakers are looking into what they can do to stop it… and they’re starting to receive media backing.

[ … ]

Thus, if anyone from the state tries to remove the Sheriff from their elected office because they refuse to enforce unjust laws, those state officials will be faced with a lawful militia composed of citizens within the state.

The county is taking their militia element very seriously as the new ordinance calls for concealed weapons training for any resident of the county that can lawfully own a gun.

There is much more at the link.  Read it all.  This is exactly what scares the controllers, and there is valid reason for that fear.

In spite of the fact that the controllers are calling for CWII, they persist, and yet will be surprised and appalled at the war they have fomented.

But if there is to be war because they demand that there be so, then the warriors must be resolved, well armed and prepared.

To the controllers: there is still time to back out of this, if you’re smart.  You will not win this, and it will be awful.

Virginia Firearms Checkpoints

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

Matt Bracken.

“So today I am announcing that the highways of Virginia will no longer provide a safe avenue for terrorists to transport their illegal firearms and explosives.”  Sanderson pounded his own fist on the podium for effect.  “Starting today, mobile FIST units will be in operation around the Commonwealth of Virginia, and they will soon be adopted by other states as well, beginning next week with Maryland.  These FIST units will provide much-needed security to all of us, by preventing terrorists from getting a free ride on our freeways.

“Now I am asking all of the decent, law-abiding citizens of Virginia to assist our law enforcement officers by cooperating fully when you come upon a mobile FIST unit.  Courtesy will be returned to our cooperative citizens, and only a few moments of your time will be required if you are asked to pull over for a brief inspection.  I’m confident that the good people of Virginia will consider showing this cooperation to be an opportunity for them to play their own part in our ‘war on terrorism.’

“Additionally, I wish to assure those of you in our immigrant community that FIST units are not intended to harass or intimidate you in any way.  The Commonwealth of Virginia respects and welcomes all of our hardworking immigrant population, regardless of their technical documentation status.  FIST units will only be looking for illegal firearms, and not for immigration papers.

“I would like to remind my fellow Virginians that all semi-automatic rifles are now illegal, and should have been turned in for destruction already.  Also, I would like to remind the hunters of Virginia, and I am proud to say that I am one of that group, that tomorrow, Saturday at midnight, the transportation of sniper rifles will also be forbidden.  This is according to President Gilmore’s last executive order, which he made under the provisions of the Patriot Act based upon an ‘imminent terrorist threat.’  A sniper rifle is now legally defined as any rifle with a magnified telescopic sight.  After midnight tomorrow, it will be a felony punishable by five years in federal prison to transport a sniper rifle on the highways of the United States.

It looks like it could have been taken from the front pages of the Virginia newspapers in about two or three months, yes?

As 2A Sanctuaries Spread, Gun Control Groups Warn Of Consequences

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

News from Virginia.

ROANOKE, Va (WDBJ7) From Bedford to Botetourt, Second Amendment Sanctuaries have been popping up across Virginia. The resolutions are largely symbolic, designed to send a message to state government.

But Eric Tirschwell worries the Sanctuaries could do some real world harm.

“These resolutions are nothing more than an attempt to short-circuit the Democratic process,” he said.

Tirschwell is Managing Director of Litigation and National Enforcement Policy at Everytown for Gun Safety, a gun control advocacy group. He says he’s sounding the alarm now because of the rapid spread of the sanctuaries across Virginia and beyond.

“If these folks actually follow through on what at this point is really just a threat to not enforce laws, that’s where I think the real danger will reveal itself,” he said.

Tirschwell argues the resolutions are problematic for a number of reasons, most importantly, he says, because they put lives at risk.

“These resolutions could have, and threaten to have, a chilling effect on people who might otherwise use, or take advantage of gun safety laws to try to prevent harm, like a suicide, a homicide or even a mass shooting,” he said.

However, gun rights organizers say Tirshwell and other critics are missing the message.

2nd Amendment Sanctuary movement continues to grow

In statements to city and county governments across our region, citizens have argued that the resolutions are about making the Governor and House of Delegates pay attention. “Because we don’t have a voice at the state level. We only have a voice at the local level,” said one man at a Pulaski Board of Supervisors meeting.

Supporters also say the movement is chiefly about standing up for Constitutional rights.

“Don’t let Botetourt County be culpable in the death of liberties and freedoms,” said another man to the Botetourt County Board of Supervisors.

Tirschwell takes issue with that, noting laws frequently decried by gun rights activists, like expanded background checks and so-called red flag laws, have been upheld in the courts.

“These officials aren’t quote-unquote defending the Constitution, as they like to say. They’re really threatening to defy it, and to substitute their own personal views of what’s constitutional,” he said.

Tirschwell says, for now, any threat posed by the resolutions is purely theoretical. However, he warns any officials who try to use the resolutions to defy state gun control laws could have a rude wakening.

“I wouldn’t suggest betting on them,” he said.

Everytown also had a hissy fit in a recent press release, saying “the gun lobby is hypocritically encouraging law enforcement to ignore the rule of law in defense of their extreme and dangerous interpretation of the Constitution.”

“Chilling.”  “Dangerous.”  But to listen to the Virginia AG, also a controller, and his interpretive legions in academia, these county laws have no effect and are irrelevant.

So which is it?  Are they chilling and dangerous, or are they completely ineffectual?

They can’t make their mind up because they fear CWII.  They know it, and we know it.  You can blame it all on them.  Any blood spilled will be on their hands.  All the controllers had to do to ensure peace and stability was leave people alone.

That … a controller cannot do.  Can a Leopard change its spots?  Neither are they able to do good, being accustomed to doing evil (Jeremiah 13:23).  They know enough to warn of the consequences, but are unable to change their own behavior.  But those consequences may not work out the way they had planned.

Virginia Second Amendment Sanctuary Update

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

Via David Codrea, this reddit link updates us.

The following six localities became sanctuaries tonight, making the total 101!:

Franklin County – Unanimous, 400+ in middle of the work day Mathews County – Unanimous, 500+ in middle of the work day Prince Edward County – 4 to 3, 550+, voted down a weaker resolution and passed a stronger one! Stafford County  – Unanimous, 3,000+ Town of Vinton – 4 to 1, 60+ York County – 4 to 1, 800+

500+ gun owners showed up in Clarke County to urge the Board of Supervisors to put a 2A Sanctuary resolution on their agenda.  The Board of Supervisors is considering having a special meeting to do so.

News Coverage:

[ … ]

Virginia local government is divided into 95 counties and 38 independent cities (govt and population separate from counties). So after tonight:

2A Resolutions: 2 cities and 7 counties

Sanctuary: 7 cities and 76 counties and 15 towns (overlaps with counties)

Pending: 4 cities and 7 counties

Rejected: 5 cities and 3 counties

No Action: 20 cities and 2 counties

This equates to 46% of the population and 85% of the area under sanctuary or 2A resolution status.

One good thing all of this does is flush the collectivists out of hiding.  Now Virginians will know who to go after in the next election cycle.  In the mean time, if Governor Ralphie “Kill babies give me all your guns” Northam and his minions are serious about starting CWII before then, patriots have both a moral and legal basis for resistance.

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