BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 6 months ago
CBS News.
Walmart CEO Doug McMillon on Thursday called for a national debate on whether an assault weapons ban that Congress let expire in 2004 would be effective “in keeping weapons made for war out of the hands of mass murderers.”
“In the national conversation around gun safety, we’re encouraged that broad support is emerging to strengthen background checks and to remove weapons from those who have been determined to pose an imminent danger,” he stated. “The reauthorization of the assault weapons ban should be debated to determine its effectiveness in keeping weapons made for war out of the hands of mass murderers.”
David Codrea also saw this today and linked CNN which has essentially the same report. But here’s a warning to CEO McMillon. We all answer for our decisions, including you. Remember Dr. Greg Bahnsen’s warnings on gun control.
The Bible does contain a few direct references to weapons control. There were many times throughout Israel’s history that it rebelled against God (in fact, it happened all the time). To mock His people back into submission to His Law, the Lord would often use wicked neighbors to punish Israel’s rebellion. Most notable were the Philistines and the Babylonians. 1 Samuel 13:19-22 relates the story: “Not a blacksmith could be found in the whole land of Israel, because the Philistines had said, “Otherwise the Hebrews will make swords or spears!” So all Israel went down to the Philistines to have their plowshares, mattocks, axes, and sickles sharpened…So on the day of battle not a soldier with Saul and Jonathan had a sword or spear in this hand; only Saul and his son Jonathan had them.” Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon also removed all of the craftsmen from Israel during the Babylonian captivity (2 Kings 24:14). Both of these administrations were considered exceedingly wicked including their acts of weapons control.
Government interference with free trade – including that of firearms trade – has no place in the Biblical economy. Your naïve, childish belief in fortune telling and forecasting the future (i.e., guessing who might commit crimes) is called divination, or witchcraft, in the Bible. God considers it evil. And a prohibition on the ownership of weapons interferes with the ability to defend hearth and home, which is tantamount to justifying theft and murder.
You’ve apparently “seen the light” on gun control, jumping in with both feet. But that light you’re seeing might just be the lake of fire. Be careful for your soul.